Shina you were an incredible Man, I can never forget the first time I met you during an MPR session in Imani. I thought we've met before, but getting to know you that day proved otherwise. My memories of you will always be you having a handshake with everyone when you're in prestige branch so much that Elizabeth once teased you if you're running a campaign or becoming a politician. I know you from afar but you're one of the warmest and genuine person I've ever encountered in the course of my banking career. I had no reaction when the news broke than denial, a long silence then shock and tears . Then I begin to think about your mum, wife,kids, family , friends and colleagues and how devastating losing is for all of us. I hope they continue to remain strong and hold unto your memories and the hope of meeting you in the next life. I should have told you how great and amazing person you are.....will never hold out again cos this life is indeed fleeting and anyone could be gone any moment. There is no denying that you inspired a generation given the tributes. I pray for strength for those you left behind. Sleep on Shina. Margaret